The 93rd May Festival Blueming
Exhibition of TRC's Activities
The University of Tokyo Railway Club (TRC)

We exhibit our handmade railroad model layout and our unique railroad photos. Our exclusive club magazines are also available at the booth. Please enjoy!

We exhibit our handmade railroad model layout and our unique railroad photos. Our exclusive club magazines are also available at the booth. Please enjoy!

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20th (Sun) 9:00~18:00
21st (Mon/Holiday) 9:00~15:00
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20th (Sun)
21st (Mon/Holiday)

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Group Info

The University of Tokyo Railway Club (TRC)

TRC is an officially-admitted club of the University of Tokyo, and we, students of the UoT, are all railroad fans. For each of May festival and Komaba festival, we select one specific topic and each of the members make her or his own research related to the topic, and these activities provide a variety of viewpoints on the topic.In addition to these researches, we do many activities relevant to railways. On vacations, we go to trip together to ride and see many types of trains all of over Japan.