The 93rd May Festival Blueming
Techno Factory 2020
The University of Tokyo Department of Mechanical Engineering & Department of Mechano-Informatics, Faculty of Engineering

This is the exhibition by students majoring Mechanical
Engineering or Mechano-Informatics.
From the simulation of four-legged robots, to the
presentation of latest researches in this area, we provide
you an amazing experience of mechanical engineering ONLINE!

This is the exhibition by students majoring Mechanical
Engineering or Mechano-Informatics.
From the simulation of four-legged robots, to the
presentation of latest researches in this area, we provide
you an amazing experience of mechanical engineering ONLINE!

Visit This Project

Techno Factory 2020

東⼤⼯学部機械⼯学科・機械情報⼯学科の公式企画です。機械⼯学という学問を、⼊り⼝から最先端まで網羅。研究や演習の成果発表や、ロボット・機構のシミュレーションなど、 様々な「感銘」を、オンラインでも変わらずにお届けします。

No RecordingNo Photo (Screenshots)No Video
20th & 21st, All Day
Techno Factory公式サイト

Techno Factoryの全企画は、公式サイト上にて公開されております。是非お越しください。

This content has been already finished.

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Group Info

The University of Tokyo Department of Mechanical Engineering & Department of Mechano-Informatics, Faculty of Engineering

We are students which belong to Department of
Mechanical Engineering or Mechano-Informatics.
We have prepared this project for almost 1 year to provide
you "deep", "transparent (not black-boxed)", and
"enjoyable" experiences!