The 93rd May Festival Blueming
Medical Ensemble
Medical Ensemble

As a five-member vocal ensemble, we perform a variety of songs, from gospel to classical, in a cappella form.

As a five-member vocal ensemble, we perform a variety of songs, from gospel to classical, in a cappella form.

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Medical Ensemble1回定期演奏会

Medical Ensembleの第1回定期演奏会をYouTube Liveで行います。クラシックやゴスペルの名曲をアカペラで演奏します。

No RecordingNo Photo (Screenshots)No Video
20th (Sun) 16:00~16:20
21st (Mon/Holiday) 12:45~13:05


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Group Info

Medical Ensemble

Natural Science III Vocal Ensemble was formed in 2019 by 5 students, each of whom aim to be a medical doctor in the future. Usually we perform in May Fes., Komaba Fes. and some hospitals and welfare facilities as a volunteer. This is our first solo performance.