Contact Us


May Festival Standing Committee, the University of Tokyo
Room 6, 3rd Floor, Second Refectory (Dai-ni Shokudo), 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8654
TEL: 03-5684-4594
Email: * To prevent spam, the email address is shown in an image.

For Visitors

When you visit the May Festival, please refer to “For All Visitors” .

For Media

We are planning to advertise the May Festival and its value. For more details, please take a look at “Media Inquiries” .

For Those Interested in Sponsoring

We are currently raising sponsorship from companies and individuals. For more details, please take a look at “Support Us” .

For Project Members

To contact us, please use the “Inquiry” on the Web System . In the unlikely case of an emergency or if the “Inquiry” (on the Web System) is unavailable, please contact us by email.