The 93rd May Festival Blueming
What Connects Science to YOU?

We spend a lot of time hearing various kinds of information, but the way we receive it is different from person to person, from children to adults, and from scientists to artists. Especially in times of disaster or emergency, information is often complicated, which creates "an invisible world".

In this year's project, we set the theme of "what connects science to us" and you will experience and consider it through highly interactive exhibits and games among various generations. Also, we plan to think together about how science and information should be grasped. In particular, we aim to collaborate with everyone who came to our booth by utilizing various online tools.

We will deal with familiar themes such as "ad" and "origami (folding paper)" that both children and adults can enjoy!

We spend a lot of time hearing various kinds of information, but the way we receive it is different from person to person, from children to adults, and from scientists to artists. Especially in times of disaster or emergency, information is often complicated, which creates "an invisible world".

In this year's project, we set the theme of "what connects science to us" and you will experience and consider it through highly interactive exhibits and games among various generations. Also, we plan to think together about how science and information should be grasped. In particular, we aim to collaborate with everyone who came to our booth by utilizing various online tools.

We will deal with familiar themes such as "ad" and "origami (folding paper)" that both children and adults can enjoy!

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20th & 21st, All Day
UTaTané 五月祭特設ページ


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Group Info


UTaTané is the creators’ group centered on students in the Univ. of Tokyo. Our purpose is to connect life and expert knowledge through the event and product design. Last year we set a theme of “considering how we create something, not imitate” and create the products and the games for the highly interactive exhibition. The exhibition in May Festa last year ended with great success.

This year, we challenge the more interdisciplinary theme of “what connects science to you,” and try to make a high-quality exhibition. Also, now we are actively planning events with invitations from on-campus groups and off-campus researchers.