The 93rd May Festival Blueming
Think and Talk about Child Poverty: What Can We DO?
Think, Talk and Act for Child Poverty CO-ONnext

 An Opportunity to Know, Think and Talk about "Child Poverty"
 In 2019, statistics show that about one in seven families, or 13.9% of all the households in Japan, are considered to be in relative poverty: whose annual income is less than 50% of the median equivalent household income. In other words, about 4 students in a class of 30 children and more than 40 students in one grade of 300 students in Japanese schools, are living in an environment called relative poverty.
 Yet, the situation surrounding the issue of child poverty in Japanese society has not been socially well-acknowledged. Discussions against child poverty should be taken place more often and further, involving not only those in academic spheres but also those in private and public sectors taking actions. At this yearʼs May Festival, we would like to provide an opportunity to know, think and talk about "child poverty," hoping it will lead to a step forward.
 We invite professors studying about poverty and those who provide direct support in the field. The panel discussion will focus on "educational disparity" and "food insecurity” among the issue related to child poverty.

 Although Covid-19 crisis is expected to promote going online these days, it is presumed that the disparity increases as online education becomes more and more common. Another hardship facing us is that food support is one of the difficult areas to go online.
 In Japan, poverty is hidden in places where it is hard to see, and many of us are not aware of or are ignoring the issue. But it does exist. Please join us to think and talk about child poverty, and shall start working together for the better tomorrow, better society!

Panel discussion themes:
"Educational disparity" in the online environment / Approach to "educational disparity" through online / What is "food insecurity"? / Development of “Food banks” and “Childrenʼs cafeteria” as an approach to "food insecurity"/ Future outlook in the field of child poverty etc.

 An Opportunity to Know, Think and Talk about "Child Poverty"
 In 2019, statistics show that about one in seven families, or 13.9% of all the households in Japan, are considered to be in relative poverty: whose annual income is less than 50% of the median equivalent household income. In other words, about 4 students in a class of 30 children and more than 40 students in one grade of 300 students in Japanese schools, are living in an environment called relative poverty.
 Yet, the situation surrounding the issue of child poverty in Japanese society has not been socially well-acknowledged. Discussions against child poverty should be taken place more often and further, involving not only those in academic spheres but also those in private and public sectors taking actions. At this yearʼs May Festival, we would like to provide an opportunity to know, think and talk about "child poverty," hoping it will lead to a step forward.
 We invite professors studying about poverty and those who provide direct support in the field. The panel discussion will focus on "educational disparity" and "food insecurity” among the issue related to child poverty.

 Although Covid-19 crisis is expected to promote going online these days, it is presumed that the disparity increases as online education becomes more and more common. Another hardship facing us is that food support is one of the difficult areas to go online.
 In Japan, poverty is hidden in places where it is hard to see, and many of us are not aware of or are ignoring the issue. But it does exist. Please join us to think and talk about child poverty, and shall start working together for the better tomorrow, better society!

Panel discussion themes:
"Educational disparity" in the online environment / Approach to "educational disparity" through online / What is "food insecurity"? / Development of “Food banks” and “Childrenʼs cafeteria” as an approach to "food insecurity"/ Future outlook in the field of child poverty etc.

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東大えるどもの貧困社会貢献 ~たちにできること:「」と「教育」からのアプローチ


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20th (Sun) 14:50~17:30
20th (Sun) 14:50~17:30


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20th (Sun)

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Group Info

Think, Talk and Act for Child Poverty CO-ONnext

【Who we are】
CO-ONnext is a group organized by the students of the University of Tokyo who are interested in child poverty. We believe that the following society needs to be realized in order to maximize the elimination of child poverty:
(1) A society where people can imagine and sympathize for the others
(2) A society in which everyone can live in safety, security, and equality, and maintain dignity as a human

【What we do】
Aiming to realize a society in which the child poverty is eliminated to the maximum, we provide:
(1) A Support for actions against child poverty
(2) A platform for transmitting information about child poverty and connecting those interested and/or involved in the issue