The 95th May Festival
Starting Science with Creative Activity

About this project

Creating and Learning Science on Your Own

Here, you can participate in various hands-on exhibitions related to science via campus and online. We believe you (both children and adults) will enjoy our programs as touring the science museum.

On campus: You will create new scientific knowledge with your own hands, answering simple questions. As you discovered at a COVID-19 disaster, scientific knowledge is dynamic and constantly updated. We start with familiar topics such as color and language, and you may experience through our constantly updated exhibitions representing the dynamic nature of science.

On website: You can take part in five-minutes exhibition on our website. After reading short explanations, you can enjoy scientific exhibition dealing with various topics including colors and photos.


Detail of this Project

Can Entry or Exit during the Event


Both Days All Day



About this organization


UTaTané is the creators’ group centered on students in the Univ. of Tokyo. Our purpose is to design new practical communications between science, society and people. Last year we set a theme of “language and heart” and create the products and the games for the highly interactive exhibition. The exhibition in May Festa last year ended with great success. This year, we challenge the more interdisciplinary theme of “language and heart” and try to make a high-quality exhibition. Also, now we are actively planning events with invitations from on-campus groups and off-campus researchers.