The 94th May Festival 日本語

Important Notice

The 94th May Festival will be held online on May 15th (Sat.) and 16th (Sun.). For more details, please check About "Online" May Festival.
*In the light of current circumstances,only authorized personnel are allowed to enter the campus during the May Festival.

Must-see Projects

Overwhelmed with Too Many Choices?

Academic Projects

A Step into the World of Academia

Projects presented by the Committee

Enjoy Various Projects

Projects in category "Academic"

One Step Ahead

Projects in category "Sport and Martial Arts"

Amazing Things the Human Body Can Do

Projects in category "Game and Puzzle"

Want Some Brainteasers?

Projects with True Individuality

Let's take a peek at the many unique projects

Projects in category "Performance"

Dive into the World of Shows and Performances

Projects in category "Music"

Spend Your Weekend with Music

"Challenge from UTokyo Students" Participating Projects

Can You Solve These?

About Media Inquiries

Thank you for your interest in the May Festival!

We would love to share information about us and the May Festival.

Please note that filming/recording for online platforms such as YouTube may also require our permission. For further information, please visit Media Inquiries.

Our Sponsors

株式会社リソー教育1一般社団法人 東大駒場友の会1株式会社日本入試センター1株式会社合格の天使1日本製鉄株式会社QuizKnock1学校法人駿河台学園 駿台予備校1NEXTEP御茶ノ水個別指導塾1