The 94th May Festival 日本語

Privacy Policy

The 94th May Festival Standing Committee hereinafter referred to as the Committee acknowledges the importance of protecting personal information of Users of the services provided by the Committee hereinafter referred to as users, and when the Committee uses personal information, the Committee observes the following articles.

Article 1 Observance of Laws and Other Norms

The Committee shall observe laws and other norms about personal information protection when the Committee uses personal information.

Article 2 Purpose of Use

The Committee shall use personal information within the limit of
  • Identity verification including enrollment check.
  • Confirmation and management about registrations, applications, and orders.
  • Sending messages from the Committee.
  • Development and improvement of the Committee’s services.
  • Provision of the services about May festival or the Committee.

Article 3 Provision of Personal Information inside the Committee

The Committee may provide the May Festival Standing Committee of the next and following years with personal information.

Article 4 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Committee may provide third parties with personal information after obtaining the user’s consent within the range of achieving the purposes of use mentioned in Article 2. When the Committee provides personal information, the Committee shall take appropriate actions such as providing that personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Article 5 Security Control Action of Personal Information

To properly handle personal information, the Committee shall endeavor to protect personal information by taking necessary and appropriate measures including improving the management system of the personal information, educating members of the Committee, and preventing unauthorized access to the personal information, and loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of the personal information.

Article 6 Procedure for Disclosure Request

The Committee shall immediately inform the procedure of disclosing or correcting its personal information in response to contact from the holder of the personal information by email or the like. However, if disclosure would result in any of the following, the Committee shall not disclose all or part of the information, and when the Committee decides not to disclose the information, the Committee shall notify you to that effect without delay.
  • If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  • If there is a risk of significant impediment to the proper conduct of the Committee's business
  • If there is a risk of violating the laws

Article 7 Deletion of Personal Information

The Committee shall delete the personal information immediately when asked by the holder of the personal information by email or the like.

Article 8 On SSL

The Website and the Web System provided by the Committee supports SSL to protect the user's personal information. By using a browser that supports the security function, the personal information users have entered shall be automatically encrypted and transmitted.

Article 9 On Cookies

Some pages on the Website and the Web System provided by the Committee use a technology called cookies. Users can disable the function of cookies by setting your web browser. If you do so, you will not be able to use some of the services on the website smoothly.

Article 10 Using Personal Information for Each Service

The Committee complies with the rules on the using personal information set out separately for the Website and the Web System provided by the Committee.

Article 11 Continual Improvement of Privacy Policy

he Committee shall continually review and update the Privacy Policy due to reasons such as strengthening the protection of personal information, changes in laws and other norms. The Committee shall announce the amendment hereof on the Official Website or the like.